“The tools and technology of web design are constantly evolving, but the goal remains constant. Create a clear user experience that gets results.”
– Laura McArtor
About Widow’s Peak Web Design
Do you remember where you were when you saw your first ugly website? Do you remember that reaction you had as soon as you landed on the site?
I do.
I was working for a financial services firm in San Francisco. It was back in the early days of the web.
There were just so many hideous websites. I had to do something to improve the state of things. So I started building websites on the side. That’s when I learned that clients valued my customer service skills as much as my eye for design.
No Headline. Just a Hairline.
In 2005, Widow’s Peak Web Design launched. Named after my Eddie Munster-like forehead, my firm has now helped over 100 brands build their online presence. My experience with clients in many diverse fields – fashion, law and yoga to name a few – is due to my understanding of business strategy and customer needs.
It is a complete delight to see others start their own thing just like I did. I enjoy learning their stories and seeing them succeed.
An eye-catching, streamlined and professional website is my contribution to the cause.
Today I work from Memphis, Tennessee, where I enjoy the flow, grit and soul of the south. When I’m not working on websites, you can find me collecting art, rearranging furniture, walking a labyrinth or having tiny adventures with my daughter.
For more about what I’m up to, see lauramcartor.com.

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